Benjamin Franklin
1706 - 1790

Franklin wrote the following after a large group of innocent Indians were massacred because of the actions of others from another Tribe:

"If an Indian injures me, does it follow that I may revenge that Injury on all Indians?

"It is well known that Indians are of different Tribes, Nations and Languages, as well as the White People.

"In Europe, if the French, who are White People, should injure the Dutch, are they to revenge it on the English, because they too are White People?

"The only Crime of these poor Wretches seems to have been, that they had a reddish brown Skin, and black Hair; and some People of that Sort, it seems, had murdered some of our Relations.

"If it be right to kill Men for such a Reason, then, should any Man, with a freckled Face and red Hair, kill a Wife or Child of mine, it would be right for me to revenge it, by killing all the freckled red-haired Men, Women and Children, I could afterwards any where meet with."

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 |Chapter 14 
Chapter 8

We Were Not the Savages - The Futile Search for a Just Peace, 1752-1761

The probability that the Peace and Friendship Treaty of 1752 would entice other Mi’kmaq Chiefs to seek similar accommodations with the British was behind Louisbourg’s fierce opposition to it. The French knew that such an eventuality would forever end their alliance with the Mi’kmaq, dry up a rich source of military intelligence and assistance, and prove extremely detrimental to their future political and military ambitions in the region.

Thus, Governor de Raymond searched for a way to stop the peace movement before it spread. In this regard he had generous but unintentional help from the British. The help resulted from the ungodly scalping proclamations they had issued in the past and their steadfast refusal to prosecute any White person for killing an unarmed, defenceless Mi’kmaq. This knowledge by Caucasians of freedom from prosecution resulted in the commission of a horrendous crime by two of his Majesty’s subjects that proved a Godsend for the French. The preliminary details of the drama that was played out during the winter and spring of 1753 are cited from the introduction to Anthony Casteel’s journal.

The surveyor Morris in a letter to Cornwallis in England, dated April 16, 1753, gives what details he had of the crime:

Yesterday [the 15th of April] arrived from the Eastward two men, in an Indian Canoe, who have brought six scalps of Indians. The account they gave of the affair, upon their examination, was that James Grace, John Conner (a one eyed man, formerly one of your bargemen), with two others, sailed from this port about the middle of February last in a small Schooner, and on the 21st were attacked in a little harbour to the Westward of Torbay by nine Indians, to whom they submitted, and that the same day on which they landed the Indians killed their two companions in cold blood; that Grace and Conner continued with them till the 8th of the month, when some of the Indians separating, they remained with four Indian men, a squaw, and a child: that the four Indians left them one day in their Wigwam with their arms and ammunition, upon which hoping to recover their liberty, they killed the woman and child, and at the return of the men killed them also [the number of Mi’kmaq murdered was actually seven], and then taking the Canoe made the best of their way to this place.

This is the substance of their story; but as the Indians complained, a little after the sailing of this Schooner, that one exactly answering her description put into Jedore where they had their stores, and robbed them of forty barrels of provision given them by the Government, it is supposed

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