Newspaper Columns By Daniel N. Paul



Columns 1995 | Columns 1996 | Columns 1997 | Columns 1998 | Columns 1999
Columns 2000 | Columns 2001 | Columns 2002 | Columns 2003 | Columns 2004
Columns 2005 | Columns 2006


June 17 - Education vital to wiping out racism in Canada

July 1 - Citizens, governments share blame for financial mess

July 15 - Tobacco addiction a major health problem: treat it with care, not clubs

July 29 - Governments' common bond: if it moves, tax it

August 12 - With jobs and hope scarce, can we ignore any source?

August 26 - Province must step up efforts on Micmac self-rule

September 9 - Tragic after-effects of centuries of racist persecution

September 23 - Canada's early apartheid rivaled South Africa's

October 7 - Early Indian Act: racist product of sick minds

October 14 - School a government tool to destroy native cultures

October 21 - Racism steered course of natives relocation to centralized reserves

October 28 - Road to citizenship long, arduous one for natives

November 4 - Ignoring the lessons of history lays the groundwork for future horror

November 18 - Healing the wounds; drastic attitudinal changes vital

December 2 - Justice system must protect innocent, punish guilty

December 16 - Thanking Great Spirit for blessing of being Canadian

December 30 - Amalgamated metro will still be "super" place to live