

In 1779 the British, probably with the intent of keeping them neutral, signed a treaty with several Mi'kmaq communities situated in what is today New Brunswick. During these years, with their southern colonies in rebellion, the British could ill afford to have a full-scale "Indian war" break out within the borders of their loyal colonies. Otherwise this agreement would not have been signed. It was, except for a minor one, the last:

Treaty entered into with the Indians of Nova Scotia from Cape Tormentine to the Bay De Chaleurs, September 22nd, 1779

WHEREAS, in May and July last, a number of Indians at the instigation of the King's disaffected subjects, did plunder and rob William John Cort and several other of the English Inhabitants at Mirimichy of the principal part of their effects, in which transaction, we the undersigned Indians had no conscience, but nevertheless do blame ourselves, for not having exerted our abilities more effectually than we did to prevent it. Being now greatly distressed, and at a loss for the necessary supplies to keep us from the inclemency of the approaching Winter, and to enable us to subsist our families;

AND WHEREAS, Captain Augustus Gervey, Commander of His Majesty's Sloop Viper, did in July last, to prevent further mischief, seize upon the Mirimichy River, Sixteen of the said Indians, one of which was killed, three released and twelve of the most atrocious have been carried to Quebec, to be dealt with, as His Majesty's Government of this Province, shall in good future direct, which measures we hope will tend to restore peace and good order in that Neighbourhood;

BE IT KNOWN, to all men, that we John Julien, Chief; Antoine Arueau, Captain, Francis Julien and Thomas Dewagonside, Councillors of Mirimichy, and also Representatives of, and authorized by, the Indians of Pagumske and Restigouche, Michael Chief, Louis Augustine Cobaise, Francis Joseph Aruiph, Captains, Antoines and Guiassance Gabalier, Councillors of Richebouctou, and Thomas Tauros Lose, and representatives of the chief of Jedyac, do for ourselves, and in behalf of the several Tribes of Micmac Indians before mentioned, and all others residing between Cape Tormentine and the Bay De Chaleurs in the Gulf of St. Lawrence inclusive, solemnly promise and engage to and with, Michael Franklin Esq., the King's Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Nova Scotia,

THAT, we will behave quietly and peaceably towards all His Majesty King George's good Subjects, treating these upon every occasion in an honest, friendly and brotherly manner;

THAT, we will at the hazard of our lives defend and protect to the utmost of our power, the Traders and Inhabitants and their merchandise and effects, who are, or may be settled on the Rivers, Bays, and Sea Coasts within the fore mentioned district against all the Enemies of His Majesty King George, whether French, Rebels, or Indians;

THAT, we will wherever it shall be required apprehend and deliver into the hands of the said Mr. M. Franklin, to be dealt with according to his deserts, any Indian, or other person who shall attempt to disturb the peace and tranquillity of the said District;

THAT, we will not hold any correspondence or intercourse with John Allan, or any other Rebel, or enemy of King George, let his Nation or Country be what it will;

THAT, we will use our best endeavours to prevail with all other our Micmac Brethren throughout the other parts of the Province, to come into the like measures with us for their several Districts;

AND, we do also by these presents for ourselves, and in behalf of our several Constituents hereby Review, Ratify and Confirm all former Treaties entered into by us, or any of us, or these heretofore with the late Governor Lawrence, and other of His Majesty King George's Governors who have succeeded him in the Command of this Province.

In consideration of the true performance of the foregoing Articles, on the part of the Indians Affairs doth hereby promise in behalf of Government,

THAT, the said Indians and their Constituents, shall remain in the Districts before mentioned, quiet and free from any molestation of any of His Majesty's Troops, or other his good Subjects in their hunting and fishing;

THAT, immediate measures shall be taken to cause Traders to supply them with ammunition, clothing and other necessary stores in exchange for their furs, and other commodities. In witness whereof, we the above mentioned have interchangeably set our hands and Seals at Windsor, in Nova Scotia, this Twenty second day of September 1779.

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