

In 1951, in keeping with the image being built for foreign consumption, the Canadian government overhauled the Indian Act. Some of its most obnoxious provisions were repealed and a few others were added. This was also a year when both the Mi'kmaq and African Nova Scotian communities began to stir and make headway towards organizing an effective attack against racial bigotry in Nova Scotia. These efforts were encouraged by the displays of courage of heroic individuals spearheading the fight against racial segregation in the southern United States. From among them, such men as the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. provided inspirational role models for the two peoples in organizing their own strategies to achieve racial equality and justice.

However, given the entrenched racist attitudes within the province's White community, the two peoples of colour knew that the battle for racial equality in Nova Scotia and in Canada would not be easily won. This has proven to be true. Racism is a disease that is most easily weeded out generation by generation; some progress can be made with older generations, but it is among the young that real change is possible. Thus, I can foresee a time in the twenty-first century when we can declare that the fight for equality has mostly prevailed!


"Our nation was born in genocide when it embraced the doctrine
that the original American, the Indian, was an inferior race."
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

All First Nation Peoples of the Americas were marginalized and adversely affected by the application of this colonial racist doctrine.

To read Dr. King's full speech click: "I Have a Dream"