
Bounty Hunters

Governor William Shirley

Governor William Shirley (1694-1771)
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NOTE: The following is what Robert Jackson, chief American prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, had to say about genocidal behaviour:"

"No regime bent on exterminating another peoples will describe their intent in so many words, since such intent is imbedded in the very operation of the system of extermination. On the contrary, the actions of the agencies of murder are enough proof of such intent, and therefore when the transporting of people into the conditions of disease and death is condoned and facilitated by a government, and when these crimes are concealed from the scrutiny of the world of the same government or other agencies, it can be safely asserted that this regime intends to annihilate the targeted people and is guilty before the world of crimes against humanity."

In the face of a resumption of full scale war on October 19, 1744, the government of Massachusetts, responding to a request from Nova Scotia's Governor Jean Paul Mascarene, declared war upon the Mi'kmaq and Maliseet Nations. It states:

"By His Excellency Wm. Shirley, Captain General and Commander in Chief in and over His Majesty's Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. A Proclamation for encouragement of volunteers to prosecute War against the St. John's and Cape Sable Indians....

"Whereas, the Indians of the Cape Sables & St. John's Tribes have by their violation of their solemn Treaties with His Majesty's Governors, & their open hostilities committed against His Majesty's Subjects of this Province & the Province of Nova Scotia, obliged me with the unanimous advice of His Majesty's Council to declare war against them,

"In consequence of which the General Assembly of this Province have voted, that there be granted to be paid out of the Public Treasury to any Company, Party or Person belonging to and residing within this Province who shall voluntarily & at their own proper cost and charge go out and kill a male Indian of the age of twelve years or upwards, of the Tribe of St. John or Cape Sables...

"....and produce his scalp in evidence of his death, the sum of one hundred pounds in bills of credit of this Province of New England, and the sum of one hundred and five pounds for any male of the like age who shall be taken captive.

"And the sum of fifty pounds in said bills for women, and for children under the age of twelve years killed in fight, and fifty-five pounds for such of them as shall be taken prisoners together with the plunder. No payment shall be made for killing or taking captive any of the said Indians, until proof thereof be made to the acceptance of the Government and Council. November 2, 1744."

By no measure can such horrendous documents be called products of a civilized people. The horror of their intent is reprehensible. Only a sick and barbaric mind could conceive of and implement such unspeakable crimes against humanity. Hitler would have admired the genius of the men who introduced this horrible method of bringing people he considered inferior to extinction.

That the scalp harvest was carried out enthusiastically there is no doubt, the records are full of references to successful "hunts." In her book "The Old Man Told Us So," page 102, Ruth Whitehead relates an incident that is horrific. It happened in late October 1744, near Annapolis Royal, where Gorham and his bounty hunters encountered a group of Mi'kmaq:

"...five women and three children, two of the women were big with child..." Gorham's Rangers "ransacked, pillaged, and burnt the two huts, and massacred the five women and three children."

"...It is observed that the two pregnant women were found with their bellies ripped open. An act which the Micmac cannot forget, especially as at that time they made fair war with the English. They have always looked on this deed as a singular mark of the most unheard-of-cruelty."

Nova Scotia Archives

"The company's deployment to Annapolis Royal was at the behest of Governor William Shirley of Massachusetts, who consistently saw the maintenance of the British presence in Nova Scotia as essential to the defence of New England. The impact of Gorham's force was immediate, and contributed to the lifting of the 1744 siege. Like preceding New England ranger forces, dating back to the earliest activities of Colonel Benjamin Church some seventy years earlier — under whom John Gorham's grandfather had served as second-in-command — Gorham's Rangers relied on the use of ruthless force as a means of overawing both the Indigenous and Acadian populations. Killing and scalping were intrinsic to fulfilling this goal, and in 1747 Gorham publicly deplored delays in his receiving payment for Mi'kmaw scalps taken by his rangers in 1744 and brought to Boston under the Massachusetts scalp and prisoner bounty of the day." See more Gorham

The post Columbus histories of the Americas are stained with the blood of tens of millions of such innocents!

Click to read about American Indian Genocide

Please visit these URLs to read more about British barbarities



A better understanding of the before mentioned can be had by reading: First Nations History - We Were Not the Savages - 2006 Edition